The most common vision problem is an eye refraction disorder. People who have problems with eye refraction will complain of blurred vision when looking at objects that are far, near, or both.
Eye refraction is a term to describe the process of light entering the eye until it is caught by the retina.
The process of seeing starts from the reflection of light from an object that is captured by the eye. When light enters the eye, the lens and cornea of the eye adjust the reflection of the light so that it is focused precisely on the retina of the eye. If eye refraction works well, then the quality of vision will be clear and focused (not blurry).
Eye refraction abnormalities occur when light falls in front of or behind the retina, so vision becomes blurry. Not only that, this condition is also caused by changes in the shape of the cornea or aging of the lens of the eye.
Types of eye refraction disorders
Eye refractive disorders can be classified into several types, namely:1. Nearsightedness
People with nearsightedness or myopia can see objects that are close distance clearly, but it is difficult to see objects that are far away. This condition occurs because the light entering the eye falls in front of the retina. Severe myopia can increase the risk of retinal detachment, cataracts, and glaucoma.2. Farsightedness
Farsightedness is the opposite of myopia. People who have nearsightedness or hypermetropy can see objects that are far away clearly, but it is difficult to see objects that are close. This condition makes sufferers find it difficult when reading writing that is close to the eyes. Farsightedness results from light entering the eye falling behind the retina. Farsightedness can also cause eye muscle strain, so that sufferers easily dizzy and headaches.3. Cylinder eyes
Cylinder eye conditions can occur simultaneously with nearsightedness and farsightedness. Cylinder eyes or astigmatism are vision problems that occur as a result of defects in the cornea or lens arches. This condition causes vision to become blurry or shaded, both when looking at objects that are close or far away.4. Old eyes
Old eye or presbyopia is a condition that occurs because the lens of the eye becomes stiff, making it difficult to refract and focus light on the retina of the eye. This stiffness of the lens of the eye occurs due to the aging process. This condition is naturally experienced by the elderly or adults aged over 45 years. In addition to several types of eye refraction abnormalities above, the eye can also experience refractive disorders called anisometropia. This is a condition where the refractive ability of the right eye and the left eye differ greatly. This refractive eye disorder makes sufferers have to often squint to see an object and the vision feels shaded.Signs of Eye Refraction Abnormalities
There are several symptoms and signs that appear when you suffer from eye refractive disorders, including:- Blurred or shaded vision
- See the halos around bright lights
- Difficulty focusing when reading a book or looking at a computer
- Often squint when looking
- Headache
- Eyes feel tense
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